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321 Fitness & Nutrition COVID-19 Protocol

We're Dedicated to Your Health
- Trainers will wear masks during shifts
- No pad work with unmasked participants
- Doors will be open to allow air flow (as weather permits)
- Equipment disinfected and sanitized at the end of each shift and PT sessions 
- Deep cleaning/disinfecting/sanitizing once every week


Let's Keep Each Other Healthy


We strongly encourage you to:

- Sanitize or wash your hands prior to your workout
- Respect your neighbor's space, maintain social distance (6 feet)
- Wear a mask 
- Clean equipment after use
- Wash your hands when your workout is complete or sanitize on your way out

- Practice coughing/sneezing etiquette 
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

- Know your COVID-19 status

Healthy You, Healthy Gym
We ask that you stay home If:
- You're experiencing flu, cold or COVID-19 symptoms
- You've recently been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
- You're unsure about your COVID-19 status

Inform the staff/owner immediately if you've:
- Recently been in the gym and tested positive for COVID-19
- Recently been in the gym and have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19

**In the event that someone tests positive who's recently been in the gym, contact tracing is key and time is of the essence- determining who was in the gym at the time that person was there and contacting those ppl. Cleaning protocol should follow as outlined by CDC guidelines**

**If gym participant has been exposed to someone who has recently tested positive, it is suggested that they quarantine for 5 days from the time of exposure and then get tested. They should not return to the gym during this time**

**After COVID-19 exposure and symptoms have resolved, participants are asked to verify their negative test status through testing and that they feel physically ready before returning to the gym**

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